How To Run

Windows 11

This walkthough uses Windows Terminal, it can be downloaded from the microsoft store or github.

Hush Arrakis Chains are run from the HUSH fullnode, download the latest release of hush3 for windows:

HUSH Latest Releases

After downloading the latest release, unzip the files.

After unziping and navigating to the root folder, right click anyhere outside the filelist and select "open in terminal".

This will open a terminal window in the current folder. Now paste the command and press enter.

This will start a full node with the specified chain paramters.

A good way to interact with the running node is to split the tab.

You may need to navigate back to the correct folder, you can use commands such cd and ls to navigate from the terminal.
tab can also be used to autocomplete folder names

you can get information about the chain with the command
./hush-cli -ac_name=COINNAME getinfo

This chain specifically was run with the -testnode=1 parameter, allowing a chain to be started with only 1 node
with getinfo we can see that the chain has succesfully started by looking at the number of blocks and the intial balance or premine.

-testnode=1 is a great way to make sure the chain starts with the intended values.

When running the chain without -testnode=1 make sure to add the ip address of at least 1 other node, otherwise the chain will not start.

For a list of many other commands:

List of RPC commands

(Ubuntu 20.04.6 LTS)

Open a terminal window, create a directory and cd into it
run git clone

cd into the hush3 directory and run ./
you can add -j to specify the number of cpu threads to use, more threads will help build faster.
a good number to use is 4

After hush is built, cd into the src directory.

From here you can paste the command generated from the chain builder to start a fullnode with the specified parameters.

In this example the -testchain=1 parameter was used to start a chain with only 1 node.

when not using this parameter make sure to use -addnode to specify the ip address of at least 1 other node in order to succesfully start a chain.

In another tab you can use ./hush-cli -ac_name=COINNAME getinfo to see information about the chain.
if there are any blocks that means the chain has succesfully started.

For a list of many other commands:

List of RPC commands